About Me

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Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Ravens Ski Club is the North East of England's premiere ski racing club. We train at Silksworth Ski Slope in Sunderland every Wednesday from 7-9pm. Ravens has a comprehensive race development programme with five coaching groups and seven coaches. Our race development team train every Sunday from 10-12pm as well as monthly trips to Xscape in Castleford to train on snow. For further details visit our website www.ravensskiclub.co.uk or contact us on 07774843651.

Monday, 28 January 2013

BBC TV programme about skiers

The BBC are planning a sking/snowboarding TV show based a variety of people going on a skiing holiday. They are curerently at the "casting" stage, i.e. trying to find people who may be going out the the slopes and willing to be filmed.

The show will be called "Hitting the Slopes" and is scheduled to be filmed in February and March. The company producing the show is called Luckyday TV and they are offering to help with the expenses if a group wants to be part of the show.

They want to film the life and times of an average skier on holiday and are trying to cover the ages up to 18.

If you are interested in being a skiing star you can contact Holly Miechowski at Luckyday TV on 0207 013 4116. She will ask you to fill in an application form which I have attached.


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